ほらほらコーヒーが冷めちゃってるよ 2

好きな人に伝えたいことはできる限り直接伝えます。都々逸作っています。浦和レッズと演劇と映画と音楽が大好き! 田島亮(・中嶋将人)、亀田佳明、成河、イキウメと浜田信也。演出家・藤田俊太郎を応援しています。小林賢太郎・片桐仁、ラーメンズは永遠。B'z,BrandonBoyd&Incubus,JasonMraz,Eddie Redmayne,Timothée Chalamet

Shahid's Japanese bonding!  

「Shahid and Satoru Kawaguchi bond over food on the sets of Rangoon」http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Magnoliarida/20170219/r
昨日の覚くんの記事 ↑ の補足。その、以前載った記事はたしかこれ(Fri, 29 Jan 2016-06:12pm)。日本語と和食のことが書いてある。覚くんの名前は出ていませんが、つながったわ。
「Shahid's Japanese bonding! In addition to learning the language, Shahid has also begun conversing in the same with fellow co-stars and members of the crew who belong to the country.」http://www.dnaindia.com/entertainment/report-what-s-shahid-kapoor-s-japanese-connection-in-rangoon-2171677
「Rangoon required the actor to mouth Japanese dialogues, and Shahid took it upon himself to perfect the requirements of his onscreen character. In addition to learning the language, Shahid has also begun conversing in the same with fellow co-stars and members of the crew who belong to the country.」
「The language led to the actor bonding instantly, which started off with initial greetings and exchange of pleasantries and soon led to fun filled conversations with the international crew members. So much that Shahid has also developed a fondness towards Japanese cuisine.」
「Shahid Kapoor learning Japanese for his next film, 'Rangoon'」 (2016/02/08)
Extended Look | Rangoon | Kangana Ranaut, Shahid Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan(2017/02/18 に公開)
Hiromichi| Rangoon | Shahid Kapoor | Kangana Ranaut | Saif Ali Khan(2017/02/10 に公開)
これ可愛い。 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: The CRAZIEST Shahid Kapoor Could Ever Be For Rangoon

『Rangoon』公開記念にハムレットを原案としたヴィシャール・バールドワージ監督の『Haider』を上映してくれないかしらー。英語字幕でいいので。 #VishalBhardwaj #Rangoon