ほらほらコーヒーが冷めちゃってるよ 2

好きな人に伝えたいことはできる限り直接伝えます。都々逸作っています。浦和レッズと演劇と映画と音楽が大好き! 田島亮(・中嶋将人)、亀田佳明、成河、イキウメと浜田信也。演出家・藤田俊太郎を応援しています。小林賢太郎・片桐仁、ラーメンズは永遠。B'z,BrandonBoyd&Incubus,JasonMraz,Eddie Redmayne,Timothée Chalamet

「Incubus strikes again」 

「The was a night of mood swings as the Californian rockers layered metal atop melancholy」
February 24, 2018 01:00 By Kitchana Lersakvanitchakul THE NATION http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/music/30339493#.WpFwTBbvib0.twitter

「“Megalomaniac” is a fascinating mix of mellowness and heavy rock and, more than a decade on, it still takes the breath away. Boyd widened the fans’ smiles by announcing that it was his “birthday song”. More rock ballads – “If Not Now, When?” and “Drive” – seemed written to bring out the tears. After the mood got a little too mild during “Paper Shoes” and “Pantomime”, the 42-year-old singer pulled off his black shirt to reveal a vest barely covering an array of tattoos. Then he lunged for the heart again with “Nice to Know You”. The show played out with “Pistola”, “Stellar”, “Vitamin”, “Loneliest” and “Wish You Were Here” (an original, not a cover of eponymous Pink Floyd track). The encore was a thundering medley of “No Fun” from the latest album and “Warning” from “Morning View”.」
“Megalomaniac/誇大妄想狂(的な)”はBrandonのbirthday songなのねーー。
『¡Three Amigos!』(邦題:サボテン・ブラザース)が元ネタだというインタビューもあったよね。