ほらほらコーヒーが冷めちゃってるよ 2

好きな人に伝えたいことはできる限り直接伝えます。都々逸作っています。浦和レッズと演劇と映画と音楽が大好き! 田島亮(・中嶋将人)、成河、亀田佳明、イキウメと浜田信也。演出家・藤田俊太郎を応援しています。小林賢太郎・片桐仁、ラーメンズは永遠に好き。B'z、BrandonBoyd&Incubus、JasonMraz、大橋トリオ、Eddie Redmayne


 "By about three songs into the writing process, I think we began to understand that we were unearthing something new," explains Brandon Boyd about the new album. "If Not Now, When? is our unabashed, romantic, lush, sonic love letter to the world. It's darker, slower, more rich, more refined, and more involved than anything Incubus has birthed to date."
  CD or vinyl ? 
PRE-ORDERしまたよ。 2011年7月12日ですね!待ち遠しいです!!!